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A Lot of Hard Work

The Line Cat

So it all starts with a lot of hard work. That's just how we roll here at the studios. It started with me and my husband working hard and being hands on in our kids lives. I guess our creative streaks and good work ethic just rubbed off, and before we knew it our kids joined us. Now the two lone artist are four. Many from around us know us or have seen us hustling the craft markets and working long hours in the summer. While we have fallen off to take a rest and much needed family down time we came back. This time as a team working together having fun learning life's many lessons.

Lessons like building a website is hard. I chuckle at the first time I launched the website and even before that when I approached it with my "it can't be that hard" attitude. Looking back now its been a lot of lessons. We all hammered our ideas and products. Today we published a whole new look to our website and broke it down from its cluttered together toddler beginning. With pride we all are happy to show you our new website.

Everyone had their own idea of how they wanted it to look. So we broke it down, now we all have our unique twist on our page. And I can't tell you how much fun I had bonding with my family as I worked with each artist to develop their unique look.

That isn't all, we all have a ton of plans for all the markets we are going to be at this year. We integrated our facebook shop. There are still two more scheduled updates in the future to make our bread and custom orders available. Also we plan on sharing a lot more of the behind the scenes videos and blogs so keep a eye on our Socials and blog pages.

I still have a lot of hard work and long nights ahead of me as I finish. I'm so thankful I have the support and love of my family, as we all work toward a goal of building our businesses and having fun while doing it. And to all our supporters out there thank you we want to give you a big thank you as you have stuck with us along our journey!

To the cats meow,

The Line Cat

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